
new headquarter

My LiDAR consultancy is in the process of becoming a proper GmbH (German for LLC) that is being founded with support of the ESA BIC Bavaria, an incubation center for space-related business ideas. As of today rapidlasso GmbH has a new headquarter. We moved into an office near Munich that is part of the Anwendungszentrum […]

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LAStools‘ BLAST extension can process billions of LiDAR points

Often I get asked about the difference between las2dem.exe and blastdem.exe – the latter being part of the BLAST extension of LAStools. In the academic video from 2006 below, I outline the core technology details behind BLAST, which can seamlessly compute gigantic Delaunay Triangulations from billions of LiDAR points – using very little main memory.

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LASzip wins 2012 Geospatial World Forum Technology Innovation Award

PRESS RELEASE April 26, 2012 rapidlasso consulting, Sommerhausen, Germany The creators of LAStools are the recipient of the 2012 Technology Innovation Award for LiDAR processing at the Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam for LASzip – a lossless LiDAR compression software. With LASzip rapidlasso consulting provides a free, efficient, open-source solution for squeezing LAS files into

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LASzip: lossless compression of LiDAR data

Here is a video of my talk at ELMF 2011 on „LASzip: lossless compression of LiDAR data“. [youtube=] Airborne or mobile laser scanning technology (LiDAR) collects billions of xyz points that are typically stored in the LAS(er) format. LASzip is a lossless compressor to turn large LAS into smaller LAZ files. Encoding and decoding speeds

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