Changelog (laslook)

1.4.0 – 2025-02-07

New: Beta: Display Rasterfiles (TIF,PNG,JPG) in 3D-viewer
New: Beta: Display Shapefiles (SHP) in 3D-viewer
New: Files/Viewer: Option to insert ALL selected files into the viewer in multi-view mode.
Fix: Optimize numerical editors
Fix: Adjust camera view

1.3.0 – 2024-12-10

New: Filelist: Filter does also affect directories, not only files.
New: Enter text in files list will start filter.
New: Filelist: Keep current file after sort order or filter change.
New: Viewer: Fix R-coords display in 3d control.
New: Viewer: Copy cursor location (R-coords) into clipboard by strg-c in viewer.
Fix: Editors: Store and restore font size as option in settings. Improved size calculations.
Fix: Editors: Mouse-Wheel font size changes updates the client area.
Fix: Console: Trim set values on lines like „set exe=c:\lastools“.

1.2.9 – 2024-11-13

Fix: Improve exception handling on invalid configuration

1.2.8 – 2024-11-06

New: 3d-view: Option to lock color mode „Color/RGB/Class/…“ while switching files
New: File viewer: Separate long filenames in „path…name“ if neccessary.
New: Unify text editor popup menu.
New: New project dialog: Escape will close the dialog.
New: Editors: Allow block indent/unindent using [Strg-Tab] and [Strg-Shift-Tab].
New: Editors: Strg-Del delete to next char without next word.
New: Editors: Save text font size in configuration.
Fix: Editors: Improve inplace search.
Fix: No autoselect search text when text search failed.
Fix: File browser: Init first item on directory enter.
Fix: Skip console idle timeout on multicore commands.
Fix: Improve translations of user languages.

1.2.7 – 2024-09-28

New: Remember last base colorizer per file base. Using „Multiple files“ and „Views“ we have a powerful colorizer store already. But for simple file views it is can be easier just to remember the colorizer on a file base.
New: Save all files of a project relative to the project file (*.laspro).
New: tool list: Context menu item „Documentation“ will change to documentation of this tool.
Fix: 3d view: Point info box read only now.
Fix: 3d view: Delete view definitions on a new project.
New: Internal usage of 64 bit versions of LAStools.
New: Fix point count format in file info (1,230,450 instead of 1.230.450).
New: Files: Simple search in file box (incremental search, direct input in file list). – 2024-09-09

Fix: Formsize restore on multi monitor environments.

1.2.6 – 2024-08-05

New: Improve performance on file load.
New: Improve version check.
New: Files: Navigation in file box filter field: Up/down switch to prev/next file.
New: Enhanced search function (Ctrl-F) in all text editors (Notes, Console, Console result, Fileinfo, Log,…).
New: File info: . (thousands supress) will also supress thousands on integer values.
Improve: Files: „show in file manager“ shows current directory even if no file is choosen.
Improve: Files: set position next to deleted file after file delete.
New: Files: load files delayed if changed during loading another file.
New: Allow copy of 2 or 3 text coordinates into coordinate edit fields.

1.2.5 – 2024-05-07

New: Console: Ctrl+Shift+Return will execute all selected lines (Ctrl+Return still will execute only selected line).
New: Console: Search function.
Fix: List updates.

V 1.2.4 – 2024-04-02

New: Optional run in user data mode instead public data mode.
Fix: Detection of 32/64 bit variant in sub-directories with space support.

V 1.2.3 – 2024-01-26

New: Separate LAStools doc and user database.
New: Run x64 binaries by default.
New: Check 64/32 bit executeables availibility.
New: Context menu on point info list.
New: Copy single point info into clipboard from point info list.
New: Center single point to view axes from point info list.
Improve: Console output colorization.
Fix: Load project could fail on more than 1 views loading.
Fix: Preset coloring on 8 bit colored laz was not recognized by properties.
Fix: Add lastool command to execution history also if leading path is given.

V 1.2.2 – 2023-11-28

Fix: Range error in visualizer.
Fix: Language translations.
Fix: Numlock detection.

V 1.2.1 – 2023-10-30

New: 3d view: Store view details into project.
New: 3d view: View store to toggle between different view settings.
New: 3d view: Select points: Allow xyz range selection.
New: 3d view: Selected points: Change point size (shift-wheel).
New: 3d view: Selected points: Iterate active point in point set for measurement (s-key).
New: 3d view: Measurement of distances in xyz limited direction (xyz-key).
New: 3d view: F6 shortcut to load all data.
New: Files: Support flat view (show all files in all subdirectories).
New: File preview: Support laslook project files preview (*.laspro).
Fix: Console output: Merged console output was supressed sometimes.
Fix: Console output: Hint on no output with/without verbose option.
Fix: Files: Update preview if filter changed.
Fix: Files: History dropdown does show all recent directories.

V 1.2.0 – 2023-08-27

See here about the changes of this release.

V 1.1.0 – 2023-04-03

New: 3D view: Cut function implemented. Cut your data in X/Y/Z slices with online update of the data. See introduction video of this feature.

New: Setup: Allow silent installation. Set LAStools binary directory automatic after startup.
New: Main: Strg-Tab/Strg-Shift-Tab switch between the open project tabs. New: 3D view: Allow point_source colorization.
New: 3D view: Allow simple switch on off single files on multiple file mode. New: 3D view: Show info about absolute coordinates.
New: Startup: Load project file (.laspro) from parameter.
New: File preview: Allow toggle between HEX and default view (LAZ,Picture,Text)
Improve: 3D viewer: Redesign multiple file colorization, selection, deletion
Improve: 3D viewer: Context menu.
Improve: 3D viewer: Keep manual selected color sceme after file change.
Improve: Main screen: Taborder and Keyboard usage.
Improve: Project: Clear all console output on project close.
Improve: Screenshot function: Inform user about screenshot.
Fix: 3D viewer: Multiple files: Respect file offset on non-centered display.
Fix: File preview: Multithread issue.
Fix: File preview: Handle files > 4GB.
Fix: Project: Don’t remove other project extensions prior add default „.laspro“ extension.
Fix: 3D view: Don’t sync current file in 3D view on file change if sync is unchecked.
Fix: Files: Avoid range error after delete last file in file list.
Fix: Files: Delete files: Don’t confirm file delete after check of „Don’t ask again“
Fix: Language: Translate frame titles.
Improve: Console: Run in parallel if current filename is just input in previous commands.

V 1.0.4 – 2023-02-11

There were some bugs in the initial console task scheduler. Those should be fixed now.
As an additional, new feature it is possible to „pin“ the results of a console output.

Pin a result to the console

This window will stay open untill you remove the pin.
It allows the user to keep a result visible and to store or compare different outputs even between different projects.
Strg-C within the output window will copy its content to the clipboard.
Some additional fixes have also been incorporated; this is the changelog in detail:

New: Console: "pin" feature of result windows. 
New: Console: Strg-C copy whole result to clipboard.
New: Keyboard shortcut Strg-Tab/Strg-Shift-Tab toggles between view panels. 
New: 3D Viewer: C key to toggle color scheme.
New*: Logger: Add SystemInfo to log on startup.
Improve: Filelist: Does not hide directories on "Only visualable" selected.
Improve: FileList: Open folder external in registered file browser.
Improve: Logger: Remove unwanted CRLF in log.
Improve: Console: Clear all console when loading a new project.
Fix: Console: Failure on abort commands.
Fix: InfoView: XYZ/Range: Scale decimals.
Fix: Skip empty DB connect on startup failure.

V 1.0.3 – 2023-02-02

LasInfoView: XYZ/Range: Show more decimals.
Las3dView: Initialization of view-depth improved.
LasZip: Give better information if MSVC dependencies are missing.
Enable USB install (No user dir).
LasInfoView: Fix text file view.

V 1.0.0 – 2023-01-25

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