Our popular E57 to LAS/LAZ converter e572las is now also available for Linux.
The converter converts point clouds from the E57 format to the LAS or the lossless compressed LAZ format.
The tar.gz package contains 3 files.
Filename | Description |
e572las_README.md | The README file with the documentation of the tool. |
e572las64 | The tool as Linux binary. |
LASlib.so | Additional library containing the LAStools library. If you have a LAStools installation for linux you most likely have this file already. |
To expand the library path use a command like
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lastools/bin
where „/lastools/bin“ is the path to the „LASlib.so“ file.
Get the version and check if the program is able to run:
user@debian:~$ ./e572las64 -version
e572las.exe is a free tool by 'rapidlasso GmbH' for converting point clouds
from the E57 format to the LAS & LAZ format. Please also have a look at our
LAStools software at https://rapidlasso.de/LAStools if you like this tool.
LAStools (by rapidlasso GmbH) version 231110 (freeware)
Convert a file „bunnyDouble.e57“ to „bunnyDouble.laz“ and give a verbose output:
user@debian:~$ ./e572las64 -i /data/bunnyDouble.e57 -v
e572las.exe is a free tool by 'rapidlasso GmbH' for converting point clouds
from the E57 format to the LAS & LAZ format. Please also have a look at our
LAStools software at https://rapidlasso.de/LAStools if you like this tool.
file '/data/bunnyDouble.e57' contains 1 scan
processing scan 1 of 1 ...
contains 30571 cartesian points
is written with millimeter resolution to '/data/bunnyDouble.laz'
written a total 30571 points