LASzip wins 2012 Geospatial World Forum Technology Innovation Award

April 26, 2012
rapidlasso consulting, Sommerhausen, Germany
The creators of LAStools are the recipient of the 2012 Technology Innovation Award for LiDAR processing at the Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam for LASzip – a lossless LiDAR compression software. With LASzip rapidlasso consulting provides a free, efficient, open-source solution for squeezing LAS files into 5 to 13 times smaller LAZ files. LASzip has become a de-facto industry standard for exchanging compressed LiDAR that is used by NOAA, USGS, OpenTopography, Dielmo3D, Fugro, Blom, Riegl, Dewberry, USACE, DNR Minnesota, the Finnish Mapping Authority, and many more … saving government agencies, commercial companies, and end users many TeraBytes of disk storage and transmission bandwidth.

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