Creating a Better DTM from Photogrammetic Points by Avoiding Shadows

At INTERGEO 2016 in Hamburg, the guys from Aerowest GmbH shared with us a small photogrammetric point cloud from the city of Soest that had been generated with the SURE dense-matching software from nFrames. We want to test whether – using LAStools – we can generate a decent DTM from these points that are essentially a gridded DSM. If this interest you also see this, this, this, and this story.


Here you can download the four original tiles (tile1, tile2, tile3, tile4) that we are using in these experiments. We first re-tile them into smaller 100 meter by 100 meter tiles with a 20 meter buffer using lastile. We use option ‚-flag_as_withheld‘ that flags all the points falling into the buffer using the withheld flag so they can easily be removed on-the-fly later with the ‚-drop_withheld‘ filter (see the README for more on this). We also add the missing projection with ‚-epsg 32632‘.

lastile -i original\*.laz ^
        -tile_size 100 -buffer 20 ^
        -flag_as_withheld ^
        -epsg 32632 ^
        -odir tiles_raw -o soest.laz

Below is a screenshot from one of the resulting 100 meter by 100 meter tiles (with 20 meter buffer) that we will be focusing on in the following experiments.

The tiles 'soest_437900_5713800.laz'
The tile ’soest_437900_5713800.laz‘ used in all experiments.

Next we use lassort to reorder the points ordered along a coherent space-filling curve as the existing scan-line order has the potential to cause our triangulation engine to slow down. We do this on 4 cores.

lassort -i tiles_raw\*.laz ^
        -odir tiles_sorted -olaz ^
        -cores 4

We then use lasthin to lower the number of points that we consider as ground points (see the README for more info on this tool). We do this because the original 5 cm spacing of the dense matching points is a bit excessive for generating a DTM with a resolution of, for example, 50 cm. Instead we only use the lowest point in each 20 cm by 20 cm cell as a candidate for becoming a ground point, which reduces the number of considered points by a factor of 16. We achieve this by classifying these lowest point to a unique classification code (here: 9) and later tell lasground to ignore all other classifications.

lasthin -i tiles_sorted\*.laz ^
        -step 0.2 -lowest -classify_as 9 ^
        -odir tiles_thinned -olaz ^
        -cores 4
Then we run lasground on 4 cores to classify the ground points with options ‚-step 20‘, ‚-bulge 0.5‘, ‚-spike 0.5‘ and ‚-fine‘ that we selected after two trials on a single tile. There are several other options in lasground to play with that may achieve better results on other data sets (see README file for more on this). The ‚-ignore_class 0‘ option instructs lasground to ignore all points that are not classified so that only those points that lasthin was classifying as 9 in the previous step are considered.
lasground -i tiles_thinned\*.laz ^
          -step 20 -bulge 0.5 -spike 0.5 -fine ^
          -ignore_class 0 ^
          -odir tiles_ground -olaz ^
          -cores 4
However, when we scrutinize the resulting ground classification notice that there are bumps in the corresponding ground TIN that seem to correspond to areas where the original imagery has dark shadows that in turn seem to significantly affect the geometric accuracy of the points generated by the dense-matching algorithm.
Looking a the bump from below we identify the RGB colors of the points have that form the bump that seem to be of much lower accuracy than the rest. This is an effect that we have noticed in the past for data generated with other dense-matching software and maybe an approach similar to the one we take here could also help with this low noise. It seems that points that are generated from shadowed areas in the input images can have a lot lower accuracy than those from well-lit areas. We use this correlation between RGB color and geometric accuracy to simply exclude all points whose RGB colors indicate that they might be from shadow areas from becoming ground points.
The RGB colors of low-accuracy points are mostly from very dark shadowed areas.
The RGB colors of low-accuracy points are mostly from very dark shadowed areas.
We use las2las with the relatively new ‚-filtered_transform‘ option to reclassify all points whose RGB color is close to zero to yet classification code 7 (see README file for more on this). We do this for all points whose red value is between 0 and 30, whose green value is between 0 and 35, and whose blue value is between 0 and 40. Because the RGB values were stored with 16 bits in these files we have to multiply these values with 256 when applying the filter.
las2las -i tiles_thinned\*.laz ^
        -keep_RGB_red 0 7680 ^
        -keep_RGB_green 0 8960 ^
        -keep_RGB_blue 0 10240 ^
        -filtered_transform ^
        -set_classification 7 ^
        -odir tiles_rgb_filtered -olaz ^
        -cores 4
Below you see all points that will no longer be considered because their classification was set to 7 by the command above.
Points whose RGB values indicate they might lie in the shadows.
Points whose RGB values indicate they might lie in the shadows.
We then re-run lasground with the same options ‚-step 20‘, ‚-bulge 0.5‘, ‚-spike 0.5‘ and ‚-fine‘ as before but now we ignore all points that are still have classification 0 because they were not classified as 9 by lasthin earlier and we also ignore all points that have been assigned classification 7 by las2las in the previous step.
lasground -i tiles_thinned\*.laz ^
          -step 20 -bulge 0.5 -spike 0.5 -fine ^
          -ignore_class 0 7 ^
          -odir tiles_ground -olaz ^
          -cores 4
The situation has significantly improved for the bumb we saw before as you can see in the images below.

Finally we create a DTM with blast2dem (see README) and a DSM with lasgrid (see README) by merging all points into one file but dropping the buffer points that were marked as withheld by the initial run of lastile (see README).

blast2dem -i tiles_ground\*.laz -merged ^
          -drop_withheld -keep_class 2 ^
          -step 0.5 ^
          -o dtm.bil

lasgrid -i tiles_ground\*.laz -merged ^
        -drop_withheld ^
        -step 0.5 -average ^
        -o dsm.bil
 As our venerable lasview (see README) can directly read BIL rasters as points (just like all the other LAStools), so we can compare the DTM and the DTM by loading them as two flight lines (‚-faf‘) and then switch back and forth between the two by pressing ‚0‘ and ‚1‘ in the viewer.
lasview -i dtm.bil dsm.bil -faf

Above you see the final DTM and the original DSM. So yes, LAStools can definitely create a DTM from point clouds that are the result of dense-matching photogrammetry. We used the correlation between shadowed areas in the source image and geometric errors to remove those points from consideration for ground points that are likely to be too low and result in bumps. For dense-matching algorithms that also output an uncertainty value for each point there is the potential for even better results as our range of eliminated RGB colors may not cover all geometrically uncertain points while at the same time may be too conservative and also remove correct ground points.

0 Kommentare zu „Creating a Better DTM from Photogrammetic Points by Avoiding Shadows“

  1. Pingback: FANR5640/7640: LAStools2 – GIS Note

  2. Pingback: Integrating External Ground Points in Forests to Improve DTM from Dense-Matching Photogrammetry | rapidlasso GmbH

  3. Pingback: Removing Excessive Low Noise from Dense-Matching Point Clouds | rapidlasso GmbH

  4. William Martinez

    Cordial greetings,

    It is an excellent material, although I have a problem generating the dsm with lasgrid. A diagonal line is generated, confirming in the DOS view „WARNING: unlicensed. over 10 million points. inserting black diagonal.“

    I appreciate the orientation and a happy day.

  5. Pingback: Digital Pothole Removal: Clean Road Surface from Noisy Pix4D Point Cloud | rapidlasso GmbH

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